Review Your Auto Insurance Policy Before Your Student Goes to College
Tips for Parents: It can be an emotional and trying time for parents sending a student to college. Remembering to pack everything they will need while away from home is a challenge ‐ and so is ensuring they have adequate insurance protection.
A significant move away from home can have a big impact on your auto insurance policy. If your student is taking a automobile with them to school, check with your agent about the existing insurance policy. Ask about the rates for the college's city and state before deciding whether to keep your student's car on the family's car insurance policy.
In addition, the insurance company should be notified each semester if the student maintains good grades. Maintaining a certain G.P.A. might make your child eligible for a good student discount.
Oct 21, 2008
Review Your Auto Insurance Policy Before Your Student Goes to College
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Insurances Information
Labels: * Insurances, Car Auto Insurance